For the first time in two decades, the dollar and the euro have reached parity. This is great for American travelers headed to Europe this summer… but those heading to the airport will have to deal with chaos first.

In recent weeks, lines at airport security checkpoints across the world have reached record lengths. This has caused many frustrated travelers to miss flights after hours of standing still; wait times at John F. Kennedy Airport in March and April were reportedly 80% higher than the same time last year. 

So how can you ensure you make your trip? Travel agents recommend those heading to Europe leave themselves plenty of extra time to account for lines — meaning arriving anywhere between three and five hours early before boarding — and to avoid checking a bag if possible.

But it’s not just long lines. Short staffing due to illness has meant long and unexpected flight delays, the worst of which have affected Brussels and Frankfurt’s airports — 72% and 68% of their flights have been delayed respectively.

And flights aren’t the only things being missed — a record amount of luggage is also disappearing. 

The airport is a stressful place, and flight delays, long lines and missed bags aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. Leave the stress of getting to the airport to us — contact us now so we can help you arrange your next trip abroad.